Brazilian Blackheart
Family: Fabaceae - Order: Fabales -
Class: Magnoliopsida
Scientific name: Zollernia
Trade name: Brazilian
Blackheart, Pau Santo
known as Pau-Santo-do-Pará, Coração-de-negro, Muirapinima-preta, Brazilian blackheart
Origin: Brazil
Instrumental uses: Guitar back and sides, fingerboards,
bridges, peg heads, head plates and inlays.
Tonal properties:
responsive and loud taptone. Ultra bright highs with an overall dense sound.
be easy to work, slightly hard to bend
but finishes extraordinary well.
It is a very dense exotic wood with average dried weight 70 lbs/ft3
(1,115 kg/m3)
Grows in Brazil, in Para, Maranhão, Paraíba,
Pernambuco and Mato Grosso States.
Usually reaches the height of 20 m, having
the trunk rectilinear with thin dark branches.
heartwood color is from green yellowish to dark brow and very black. The
Sapwood is white and also very hard. The texture is very similar to Lignum
Vitae and is a difficult wood to find. Very stiff and is also very resistant to
decay and insects.
CITES status is unrestricted. On The IUCN reported as being
a specie of least concern.